What Mark Teaches Mark teaches Ha-Tha Yoga, which against common understanding means all physical forms of Yoga practice, not a specific “style”. Ha-tha means the merging of the sun and moon, the male and female, prana and apana (two energies), and is a purificating and re-balancing practice where breath and body movement are one. The practice includes Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises which move, activate and increase Prana, vital energy), Bandha (energy locks), Meditation, Relaxation and Chanting.
About Mark Whitwell Mark is interested in developing an authentic yoga practice for the individual, based on the teachings of T. Krishnamacharya and his son TKV Desikachar, with whom he enjoyed a relationship for more than twenty years. Mark’s teachings clarify the profound passion and relevance of ancient wisdom to contemporary life.Mark has taught yoga for over twenty years throughout the US, Asia, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, and was the editor and contributor to TKV Desikachar’s book The Heart of Yoga.